DOT Medical Exams by appointment only during office hours

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Truckers and trucking businesses helped build the infrastructure of early America, help business connect together, transport goods that people consume, help America in emergencies, as such, truck driving is physically demanding and must be safe on the road.  DOT physical will be done at the clinic by a medical examiner.  Once passed, MCSA-5876 will be given confirming the driver is healthy enough to safely perform the job of a CMV driver.  This helps make America’s roads safe. 


How to prepare for a medical exam/dot physical


Bring a photo ID. 

Bring glasses (if needed), and hearing aids (if needed). 

Bring any list of prescription medicines. This includes dosage. Also, lab work that is related to the driver’s health.  

Be ready for urinalysis (non-drug DOT test).

If the driver’s employer requires drug test, let us know.